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Dataset Setup

This tutorial walks through the process of labeling the TIFF dataset. The tutorial assumes the TIFF dataset is already extracted from Google Earth Engine.

⚠️ If you are running the labeling script: Activate the Conda virtual enviromnent!

Dataset Location in Project Repo

How to set up dataset for labeling


├── example_dataset
│   ├── full_img
│   └── label_img
├── requirements.txt
├── src
│   ├── checkpoint_data
│   ├── __pycache__
│   └──
├── testing_data
│   ├── checkpoints
│   ├── data_loader.ipynb
│   ├── full_img
│   └── label_img
└── tests
├── polygon_mask_test.pickle
├── test_config.yml

testing_data is the offical format for a (labeled) dataset

Example_dataset will be our example for this tutorial

Dataset Configuration

├── full_img
│   ├── Engilchek_glacier_1999-07-09.tif
│   ├── Engilchek_glacier_1999-08-10.tif
│   ├── Engilchek_glacier_1999-08-26.tif
│   └── Engilchek_glacier_1999-10-13.tif
└── label_img
├── Engilchek_glacier_1999-07-09.tif
├── Engilchek_glacier_1999-08-10.tif
├── Engilchek_glacier_1999-08-26.tif
└── Engilchek_glacier_1999-10-13.tif

⚠️ The full_img file name must be the same as the ones label_img

full_imgThis subdirectory is where the TIFF image file with ALL the bands are present
label_imgThis subdirectory is where the TIFF image files that will be used to label (only consist of a few bands) are present

image shapes